Anna Maria Island Average Weather

Current Weather
Anna Maria Island, Florida
Average Climate & Gulf of Mexico Weather
Anna Maria Island, Florida
Anna Maria Island, Florida is blessed with amazingly warm weather year round. Temperatures average 83 degrees year round. The Gulf waters average 79 degrees. With 361 average days of sunshine per year in Anna Maria, it's the ideal choice for a vacation.
Check out the live weather forecast using our Anna Maria Island weather app (above). Don't be fooled by consistent forecasts of rain during the summer months. Many showers only last a few minutes and it's back to a regular sunshine filled-day.
Wet & Dry Seasons on
Anna Maria Island, Florida
There are actually only 2 seasons in Florida. We don't have the typical spring, summer, fall winter seasons. We have the WET season and the DRY season. The WET season starts in May and lasts until the end of September. The average annual rainfall is 55.7 inches. The rainiest months in the Wet season are from June to September with 7 to 9 inches of rainfall. The DRY season starts from October to April with 2 - 4 inches of rainfall.
DRY SEASON - October to April
WET SEASON - May to September
The hottest months are July and August while February reports the coolest temperatures. Between November and March, the humidity eases up making the weather pleasant for all visitors. These months experience warm breezes coming in from the Gulf and Bay which regulates the temperature.
Plan your vacation using our Average Climate & Water Temperature Chart for Anna Maria Island, Florida below.

Average Temperatures of the Gulf of Mexico
Anna Maria Island, Florida
The Gulf of Mexico is at its crystal clearest during the months, of May and October, making it a great time of year to visit for diving and snorkeling. The months of March through November offer the most optimal temperatures for swimming in the Gulf. Temperatures at this time of year range from 75 to 87 degrees. During the summer months, the Gulf feels like a bathtub with temperatures starting at 85 degrees and higher!
Stingray Season
Stingrays are found throughout our waters and are usually harmless. I like to think of them a bit like dogs, they are timid but can be a bit curious. Stingray migration occurs from May to October. To avoid stingrays try doing the Stingray Shuffle when entering the Gulf of Mexico and Tampa Bay waters. Stingrays do have eyes on top of their heads but don't see well. They use electroreceptors to feel any vibrations in order to find food or flee from danger. Most stingrays have one or more barbed stingers on their tails, which are used exclusively in self-defense. If you step on top of a stingray they will likely flick their tail to regain freedom. Stingrays avoid humans and once they feel the shuffling vibrations in the sand they quickly swim away. A stingray's skin and wings are slippery and feathery to the touch. A stingray barb wound can be painful, cause swelling, muscle cramps and sometimes infection if not treated properly.
If you are stung by a Stingray follow the instructions of the BeachHunter.com CLICK HERE
Jellyfish Season
There is no real season for Jellyfish on Anna Maria Island's coast. Most jellyfish are harmless, but there are two species that should be avoided due to their painful sting. Jellyfish sometimes have tentacles that hang from their bellies and on rare occasion herds of jellyfish may invade an area. It's best not to touch any type of jellyfish in the event it's a stinging type. Adopt the approach of look but don't touch, even if it has washed up on the beach. Jellyfish are an important part of our eco-system. They are a main source of food for some of our sea turtles.
You can view photos of Jellyfish on the BeachHunter.com CLICK HERE

Anna Maria Island and Hurricanes
Anna Maria Island is blessed by its geographic location in relation to hurricanes. In order for a hurricane to hit the Western Central Florida coastline, it must take a sharp right turn from its origins in the Caribbean. This is considered a very unusual phenomenon with hurricanes. This is why Anna Maria Island remains the great Hurricane reflector so to speak.
Throughout the year Anna Maria Island experiences warm breezes and plenty of sunshine but during the summertime, sporadic thunderstorms are typical occurences but don't last long. The reason for these short bursts of rain is due to the humidity which can reach up to the 100 percent mark. The summer thunderstorms are often short which leads to our boastful 361 days of sunshine.

Insider Tip
You won't find a free surf board to rent after a storm all the locals are catching waves off of White Avenue in Holmes Beach.
It's a great place to take photography

Weather and Boating Safety on
Anna Maria Island, Florida
It's best to check the weather before heading out for a day of fun in the sun, on the water. The weather can change quickly and it's important to understand the wind, tide, and wave height before motoring out to Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico.
Longitude and Latitude
Anna Maria Island is found at latitude 27.513N, longitude -82.719W.
Weather Monitoring
Check the following before you go:
Current Marine Weather - NOAA - Tampa Bay - Anna Maria Island Weather Forecast CLICK HERE
Wave Height - NOAA - National Data Buoy Center link CLICK HERE
High and Low Tide - NOAA - Tide Predictions - Egmont Key link CLICK HERE
Safety Gear
Life Jackets
Check your boat for a sufficient number of U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets. Each member of your party will need one that fits properly. Wear it! Statistics show that 85 percent of drowning victims while boating were not wearing a life jacket. Wearing a life jacket is one of the most effective and simple life-saving strategies for safe recreational boating
Fire Extinguishers
U. S. Coast Guard approved, marine-type fire extinguishers are required on boats where engine or fuel fire hazard can occur.
Boats less than 26 feet must carry at least one B-I, Coast Guard approved fire extinguisher
Boats 26-40 feet must carry two B-I or one B-II Coast Guard approved fire extinguishers.
Boats 40-65 feet must carry three B-I or one B-II and one B-I Coast Guard approved fire extinguishers.
Fire extinguishers are classified by a letter and a number symbol. The letter indicates the type of fire the unit is designed to extinguish and the number indicates the size of the extinguisher. Type B extinguishers are intended to extinguish burning liquids such as gasoline, oil or grease, all of which are common on a boat.
Your shouldn't have to travel more than half the length of a boat to reach a fire extinguisher. Check your fire extinguishers at least once a year to ensure they are properly charged, stored and remain undamaged.
Communication Tools
Prepare yourself before you leave with these communication tools;
Set up weather updates on your cell phone. Click the link HERE.
Use your smart phone for quick access to climatic and tidal information. Click the link HERE.
NOAA Weather Radio alerts all weather advisory hazards. Weather radio is a great tool for a mariner. Click the link HERE.